Rotary Daily Essentials Collection
- What is RDEC? - Rotary Daily Essentials goal is to collect dry goods that are not eligible for government assistance.
- How did RDEC start? - Much like the annual scouting for food drive, West County Rotary developed the Daily Essentials Drive to allow Individuals, subdivisions and businesses an opportunity to collect goods for those in need. The daily essentials concept was developed by Rotarian, Paul Shaver in 2018.
- How does it work? - Rotary members will drop off a small bag with instructions. Within a week or two Rotary members to return and pick up the items. The items will then be delivered to the Circle of Concern.
- How do I participate? - Contact the West County Rotary club and arrange for your business, subdivision, or community to be added to the distribution list. We find it more productive for homeowners associations, and businesses to work with their neighbors and employees to accomplish the goal.
Thank you for helping us "Sniff out the goods" |